ClimateGate news

Sunday, December 16, 2007

What really happened at Bali

While the liberal media are trumpeting the "deal" reached at the UN conference on climate change in Bali as a "cave in" by both the United States and Canada, the truth is not quite so simple.

Noel Sheppard writes in Manic Misinterpretations of Climate Change Capitulation by US in Bali:

Readers should understand that this was a huge victory for the U.S., and what was indeed missing from the Kyoto Protocol the Clinton administration, with support from then Vice President Al Gore and 95 senators, refused to ratify in 1997. Now, ten years later, developing nations are the ones that have capitulated and agreed to participate in emissions cuts.

Though most media will downplay this, it was indeed a win for the Bush administration and America, as it establishes that any agreement to emissions cuts in the future - assuming such occur - will include developing nations like China and India. This potentially assures that any climate change agreement the U.S. enters into in the future will not give such nations an unfair economic advantage.

Again, this was a HUGE win for the Bush administration that will likely be downplayed by the press.
Downplayed by the press is an understatement. This "deal" sets no hard emissions targets as sought by the Europeans and it effectively ends the exemption enjoyed until now by so-called "developing" nations like China and India. As Sheppard says, "the White House got exactly what it wanted from this conference, and the alarmists got virtually nothing."

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