ClimateGate news

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Our low lying sun

A longer-than-normal period of solar sunspot inactivity has been noted by scientists at an international solar conference at Montana State University, "Solar Variability, Earth's Climate and the Space Environment."

The last cycle reached its peak in 2001 and is believed to be just ending now, [Dana] Longcope said. The next cycle is just beginning and is expected to reach its peak sometime around 2012. Today's sun, however, is as inactive as it was two years ago, and scientists aren't sure why.

"It's a dead face," [Saku] Tsuneta said of the sun's appearance.
So what do scientists have to say about this "longer-than-normal" period with a lack of sunspot activity?
In the past, they observed that the sun once went 50 years without producing sunspots. That period, from approximately 1650 to 1700, occurred during the middle of a little ice age on Earth that lasted from as early as the mid-15th century to as late as the mid-19th century.
Now that's a matter for concern.

1 comment:

Zookeeper said...

We have become conditioned to "climate change" (which is nothing more than normal variation of weather) as something to be feared, so after a decade of global warming alarmism, we end up fearful, not relieved, by news that it might be cold in the next decade.

Crichton may have been right in "State of Fear", that the important thing is that we be fearful, regardless of what it is we fear.

Adapt, move or perish. Whether it is climate change, social change or economic change, these are still the choices available to mankind when change occurs beyond our sphere of control or sphere of influence.

I am more concerned about the recent unexplained disappearance of bees than about fluctuations in temperature. But no one at the UN or in Ottawa is proposing a massive tax on cell phone towers yet, so I suppose it isn't officially a problem. Try not being able to pollinate crops for a couple of years and see whether it becomes a problem...