ClimateGate news

Friday, November 30, 2007

Get ready for the c-c-cold

This is going to be hard for Al Gore and David Suzuki to explain:

After years of warmer-than-normal winters that spurred constant talk of global warming, winter this year is expected to be the coldest in almost 15 years and should remind everyone of what real Canadian cold feels like, Environment Canada said Friday.

With the exception of only small pockets of northern Canada and southwestern Ontario, this December through February is forecast to be one of the harshest winters in recent memory across the country, said senior climatologist David Phillips.

"It is somewhat remarkable that we're seeing the same situation from coast to coast to almost coast - from Vancouver Island to Bonavista, Nfld., we're showing the country as being colder than normal," Phillips said.
This old dog is looking forward to all the upcoming news reports about the record cold weather and how they'll relate that to our ever increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Shucks, they'll probably blame it all on global warming anyway!

I think I'll give my travel agent a call....

1 comment:

Pontiac 1940 said...

"...upcoming news reports about the record cold weather and how they'll relate that to our ever increasing greenhouse gas emissions."

"We" need some sort of well-prepared response for the day when the media or Suzuki or ?? say, "The cold winter is the result of La Nina, but THAT'S different than AGW." I really hope some warmer idiot claims this because the obvious response will be "We'll golly, if the oceans can cause a cold winter, do ya thunk they might also cause warming?"

I've to check the math...there are 250,000,000 tonnes of ocean water for every human on earth. I just can't see me and my sinful ways having a major affect on that mass of water, say, compared to the sun. I digress....

Will be an interesting winter. :)

